When a person has a dream and he knows what he wants, the next step is to find an idea how to realize this goal and dream.
People who are looking for an excuse easily find it: "I don't know how!" But only you choose: to complain and say that you do not know how or to work hard and find ideas, and then to realize them and get your dream.
Time flies fast, and you will not be able to blink, and 5 years will pass. But what awaits you there in 5 years? Everything you have here and now, or happiness and wealth?
Happiness and wealth will not happen, they are created with persistent and hard work.
And now for the ideas!
How to find the ideas that will lead you to the realization of your dreams?
Everything I will share now, I have applied in my life, and in different areas. I'm sure they will help you too.
It is important to understand that the best ideas come randomly and spontaneously, like enlightenment. They are never a consequence of logical thinking.
Of course, thinking and reasoning, you can find ideas, but these ideas will be, to put it mildly, not the most appropriate. They will lead to wrong actions and disappointment.
But, as you know, coincidences are not accidental. And coincidences are created!
And they are created, thanks to hard work and desire.
Let me share how I searched and continue to look for ideas for the realization of my desires.
- Meditations.
Meditation is relaxation. In a relaxed state, man is very receptive to the Universal Flow. That is, man feels the Universal Energy much more strongly! And, of course, you can "take" ideas from this Universal Stream.
Meditation "excludes" the mind. And when it "shuts off" you remain your true ".
How to look for ideas thanks to meditations?
Before meditation, clearly define the question you want answered.
During meditation, relax completely.
There is nothing to think about and expect any ideas here. Just relax. Meditation can last 5-15 minutes, maybe more.
After completing the meditation, just feel it. Just be here and now. It is at this point that ideas (thoughts) will arise arbitrarily. Catch them because the flow will be great. This process takes 5-10 minutes, then the brain is turned on and the conscious state returns. Your task is - look for ideas in an unconscious or semi-conscious state.
Logic works in the conscious state, which means, as he already understood, that immediate ideas come.
- Automatic letter
A very easy way to create ideas, but, as experience shows - for most people very difficult to implement.
Its essence is to take a blank sheet of paper, write the question on top and just write what comes to mind as an answer to this question.
Thanks to this way, logic and conscious thinking are also excluded, because the brain does not manage to create ideas as quickly as the hand writes. Ie man, whether he wants to or not, will enter a semi-sleepy (intuitive) state in which ideas are created out of nowhere.
The difficulty in this way is to make yourself write without stopping, because when conscious ideas run out, one will want to stop and think. This should not be done. Right now I will start the top ideas!
But here it is important to be ready to confuse. For the excellent students, this method does not work, everything has to be right with them, and there will be a lot of inappropriate ideas here. Yes, 80% of the ideas will be inappropriate, which are rejected immediately after the first analysis. 15% of the ideas will be acceptable but simple. And only 2-5% special ideas!
Because of them we do this exercise.
- A way of thinking hard
Yes, I wrote that after thinking you will not find a real idea for the realization of your goals and dreams, but conscious thinking will start the process of subconscious thinking. You decide you need an idea. And hard all day (at work, at home, before bed, in the morning) you think about it. Very strong. This does not work, nothing happens. Ideas come, but not what you need. And then suddenly a completely unexpected outburst - an idea! Exactly this idea you were looking for.
Coincidences are not accidental.
This random idea came to you precisely because of the long reflection.
- Questions
The ability to ask the right questions is a key habit of a successful person.
Our brain always finds answers to questions. It's just that people are asking the wrong questions.
For example, I often hear the questions, "Why did I fail?" "Why did this happen?", "What did I do wrong?" these are all negative issues that focus one on the negative.
Negative question - negative answer. And this negative answer leads a person to despondency and disappointment.
Often people ask questions that start with "How ...?"
These are questions for dreamers, because these questions do not lead to action, but to reflection.
"What to do...?" these are excellent questions because they are action-oriented!
Thanks to such questions, the mind seeks answers that are action-oriented. And they, in turn, create a result!
- And the last way I love very much: look for answers in nature. When I sit in meditation by the sea in the morning and "listen" to space. I often talk to the sea. This sounds silly, but it is the sea that "throws" great ideas at me.
I understand that there is probably no sea next to you, but maybe there is a forest, a park, a lake, a river. Go out more often in nature, there is pure real energy.
Go to a place where you rarely go: nature, lake, forest. Change the situation.
Not every way of the above 100% is for you. You have to find your own, what suits you best. Maybe a few ways, the important thing is to work.
How to check the idea that came to your mind?
Listen to your heart. If the head says "yes", "the idea is liked", but with the heart you feel that something is wrong, a vague feeling, anxiety appears. So, the idea you found is wrong. If fear appears in your head and your heart says, "Yes, I am ready and I want to do it," then this is the right idea. If you have very strong positive emotions in one thought, you are on the right path.
You will be very happy if you listen to your heart. The same will be said by people who have achieved tremendous success in life. I tell you the same!
And remember, the ability to create ideas is an ingenious ability!
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