How to become cheerful?

When I remember my childhood and school years, I remember most of all the worries and the feeling of "dissatisfaction". I tried to study for a grade of six, but these were subjects that I had a hard time with. I have been preparing for the tests for a very long time and hard. I was worried about how I would learn everything. When I was writing, I was worried about whether I had written correctly. And when they announced the grade and I had 4 and 5, I was very dissatisfied.
I was worried about everything! My worries were so strong that teachers often accidentally gave me 4 and 5 instead of 6. (For example, in work 5 and in diary 4)
That's how I lived and worried for up to 25 years! To be honest, it's hard to call it life. These were constant worries. I rarely enjoyed ...
I was very happy when I met a friend - Anna. Only then did I realize what cheerfulness is!
I walked "loaded" with problems, and she was cheerful, even when there was a difficult period in her life, as if she looked very positive and good.
I saw a completely different perception of the world, and I liked it a lot, but I didn't understand how I, thinking and worried, could become cheerful.
I once asked her, "What do you think about most of the time?"
She replied, "For nothing!"
«How so for nothing? You can't help but think about nothing. 100% thinking about something! For what?" I asked.
"I just don't think about anything and that's it!" she replied.
For me it was a huge mystery, I was constantly walking and thinking about problems and something else. I couldn't figure out how not to think.
So I didn't understand her answer, but I remembered it well.
I began to pay attention to the moments when I was "worried" and when I was happy.
The first thing I noticed was that when I go to my destination I am happy!
When I do what I don't want or don't like, I'm "worried!"
And now a comparison table:

I - worried
I am cheerful
I think hard about solving a problemI either act towards the goal, or I don't think about the problem if I don't act now
I'm unhappy about somethingI am grateful
Why didn't I achieve the goal or the dream?How good it is that I have achieved a goal or a dream
I am afraid and worriedI trust the universe. I am sure that everything will be done in the best way
I thinkI feel
I am immersed in myselfI pay attention to the world
I only act and worry if I'm wrongI act and trust the universe
I doubtI am calm and confident

Something very interesting comes out:
When my thoughts are about what I don't have, I'm "worried."
When my thoughts are on what I have and have achieved - I am cheerful.

What was I doing?
When I worked, I thought about goals and acted.
When I wasn't working, I kept thinking about goals.
And it turns out that I always think about what I don't have!
The secret, how to be cheerful and achieve goals?
Stop thinking! Act or feel!
When you work on the goal, act!
When you rest, feel how nice everything around you is. For example, during working hours from 9 am to 6 pm, act to achieve the goals.
From 7 to 9 in the morning and from 18 to 22 hours look at what you have already achieved and what you are happy about (and absolutely forget about the goals)
There is time for work and there is time for happiness.
Most people only have time to work.
Before work, people think about problems and how to solve them. After work - for new problems or family problems.
This is how people solve problems all their lives. That's how I solved problems, but when I realized that it didn't lead to happiness, I decided to change something.
With this article I want to tell you to realize at least one thing: there is time to work and achieve goals, and there is time for joy and happiness.
Read my book The Truth About Cash Flow , which will help you understand what closes cash flow and how to open it to get more money.
Moreover, for each person the time for joy and happiness is different.
One rejoices and is happy when he reads a book.
The other rejoices and is happy when he paints, sews, pursues his hobby.
The third rejoices and is happy when he drinks coffee or just eats.
For me personally, the time for joy and happiness is just sitting on the balcony (maybe drinking coffee) and watching the sea, the waves, the sailing yachts or watching the sunrise or the moon. When it rains I like to watch it and watch the lightning, especially when it is dark. And what different clouds there can be ... In September and October in the morning (but not every day) the sky is "red". The sun rises and in some special way illuminates the clouds. Then these clouds turn orange, then white for 10-15 minutes. A wonderful spectacle.
I have noticed that I am very happy when I observe nature.

What else can you do to become even more cheerful?
Just learn to enjoy the little things. We humans get used to everything. This is both good and bad. It is bad when we get used to the good and do not notice it anymore. Learn to rejoice again and again!
Watch! It is so interesting to see around.
And here's what else I realized: you can be cheerful even in a difficult and difficult period in life!
And the sad person will be unhappy even in the best period of his life. He will always find a problem and this problem will overshadow all the delights of life. 

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