How to predict the future

How can you predict the future?
Energy! This is the key to everything!
Everything in this world consists of energy!
Money is energy!
The body is energy!
In general, everything you see around you is a kind of energy!
I'm sure you've known him for a long time!
But the question arises: "Why, knowing that everything in the world is energy, do people pay so little attention to their energy?"
"A little" is even an exaggeration! People practically do not work with energy!
Thanks to your energy, thoughts become matter, desires come true, and life becomes what you want it to be! And you don't have to predict the future - you can create it!
Without energy - nowhere!
Do you know that your energy can guide you through life!
It will help you make the right decisions and follow your destiny!
Everything always manifests itself on an energy level!
And only then does it appear in reality. If something appears in reality, it means that at the energy level it has been present for a very long time!
All problems are born first inside you and after a while they appear outside!
Imagine what power you would have if you felt what was happening on the energy level and inside you!
You will not have to solve problems urgently. They would not appear. And if they appeared, you would see the beginning of the problem much earlier, and you would have time to solve everything.
The material world is like a mirror, which with restraint reflects the inner world!
Do you understand how you can predict the future?
I look at my condition and energy, and I understand how the month will go.
And if I don't like what's happening to my energy - I'm looking for the reason!
Then I make a new choice so that the future can correspond to reality.
How do you want to be happy if you are sad now?
How do you want to get rich if you understand your "ceiling" at work? You take a calculator and count! Here is the truth!
Inside you know the answers to all the questions, and you know what will happen in the future!
The only complication is to look the truth in the eye and accept that truth. And then start acting to create what you want!
I would very much like you to start noticing your energy and acting from today!
If you are bored for a whole week, and your energy is very weak, then something is going wrong. It's time to look for the reason!
If you are bored for a whole month, it means that you are lost in life!
When I have a hard time waking up in the morning and I don't want to get up, I understand that this is a signal that something is wrong! And if this happens 3 days in a row, I have to sit down and seriously analyze myself!
Your body with its actions or inactions shows what is happening in your life!
Here are more examples:
If something irritates you, you should not close your eyes to it and humble yourself. This is a sign that you need to pay attention to where these feelings come from!
If you don't want to do something, this is another sign that you need to understand yourself, to analyze yourself!
Maybe this is not your job and your essence opposes it. Or maybe you're so used to acting that you don't want to do this job?
Everything you feel is not just that!
It often happens to me. Suddenly a certain thought accidentally arises, and after a few hours it arises again, and then again ...
This is not a coincidence! This thought wants to tell you something! You have to pay attention to this thought.
Just watch carefully! And be ready to see!
More than that, the universe will always show you signs. It always prepares a person for changes and complications. If you learn to read these signs, consider that you have already acquired the ability to predict the future. And if you do everything in advance, it will be wonderful and easy!
Think about what I wrote!

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