Millions of people dream about it

Freedom ... Doesn't millions of people dream about it?
To be financially free?
To be free in time?
Free to choose?
Freedom was once my biggest dream. I wanted to be free when I went to work. Every day after work I would go home, sit down and feel free. I imagined my freedom.
Time passed and my dream came true.
Since then, I have lost the dream for a long time. One came true and the other dream, so strong I did not invent. And so it went on for a while, until I practically lost my freedom again. I think too small.
Dreams come true! It has been proven.
Real dreams come true: those dreams that capture you completely and completely, that you think about day and night, act and live with that dream.
The problem is that some people dream in a stereotyped way: by society's standards (car, apartment, house, travel, etc.)
And others do not dream at all, they live with the problems and their solutions.
In this way, 2 main reasons for not realizing dreams can be distinguished:
- Lack of dreams
- Standard dream
I teach people to be energetic, motivated and to act effectively.
When I hear people say, "I don't have energy," "I don't have the strength," and so on about making dreams come true, I realize that they have no dream. They are focused on problems instead of dreams.
The universe gives us so much energy to make our plans and dreams come true.
 How to learn to dream?
If you do not have enough energy and strength, then there is no real motivation.
How to find motivation?
How do you know if the motivation is real, if it is imposed or not at all?
When motivation is lacking, you don't want anything. Just watching TV, surfing the internet and doing nothing.
When motivation is imposed, ie. someone has instilled in you their dream (maybe even very close people), it will sooner or later go out. You feel the energy outside, but not inside yourself. You will feel locked in a cage, although the cage can be very large. Under external influence, motivation will manifest, but when alone with yourself, motivation will disappear. The actions will be ineffective, but rather an imitation of "violent activity".
And only the inner true motivation is able to make you change your life.
Only true inner motivation is able to make the brain go beyond the comfort zone and go into the unknown.
How to check motivation?
Exclude yourself from society for two days (absolutely everyone), and preferably for a week. Seclude yourself. During this time, the external influence will go away from you, and only you will remain. Now follow your thoughts and desires.
I just want you to realize that true motivation is a powerful source of energy and strength.
I want you to learn to distinguish the true motivation from the imposed one and to start looking for your true motivation.
When you realize that there is no real motivation, you will look for it. If possible, start as soon as you read this article.
Understand, the main thing is that the real motivation is a feeling. Maybe it's a collection of feelings.
How to find motivation?
A simple example is the car. Could it be a real motivation?
And yes, and no, depending on the feelings you put into it.
The house, can it be a real motivation?
And yes, and no.
How to know yes or no?
Very easy. If you can dream of a car or a house for a long time (1 month or more), then this is a real motivation. If you dream (visualize) for a day or two or a week and you like it, then this is not a real dream. Rather, it is intrusive.
How to learn to dream?
You will be able to imagine the real dream until it comes true.
So, the task for today:
Write down how you want to feel. For example: joy, freedom, happiness, love, peace, comfort, confidence, drive, delight, abundance, wealth, leadership, etc. (everyone has their feelings).
From them distinguish the strongest, which they capture more than anything (up to 3 feelings).
And start living, every day, taking time for yourself, experiencing the feelings you want to enter your life.
These were the little jokers, how to realize your true motivation. 

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