Do you want to live easily and simply?

Sometimes situations arise and it seems to you "it will not work out" and the motivation drops to zero and the stress rises to the limit. How often do you feel the weight of impending problems and complexities?
Sea of ​​work, deadlines are pressing and you feel that you are not coping and failing.
After all, we burden ourselves with our thoughts. We load ourselves with weights and try to carry them.
Of course, in such a rhythm there will be no happiness and joy in life.
The face is serious and frowning, and the body is tired.
What to do in such situations? How do I deal with them?
Yes, it is very difficult to solve problems alone! It is generally difficult to solve problems in a state of tension.
And it is very easy to solve problems with the universe!
Problems are easily solved in a state of ease.
There are 2 magical affirmations in my arsenal that restore harmony inside and put me in a state of calm.
There they are:
"The universe takes care of me."
"The universe leads me"
In a state of calm and in a state of lightness everything happens easily and simply!
Trust the universe! Let her take care of you!
But not! One wants to do everything alone! He creates a sea of ​​problems, then solves them himself! And all just to prove to himself: "I will handle this" and to comfort his ego.
Some people transfer their responsibility, others - on the contrary, take on too much responsibility.
And this responsibility directly presses a person and deprives him of happiness and joy.
Remember that you are not alone. Once you are born, raised and live, then the universe is with you and helps you. Let her help you. Allow miracles to happen in your life.
"Letting her help you" does not mean sitting back and waiting for a miracle. This means acting and being sure that everything will be organized in the best way.
The next time anxiety overwhelms you, deadlines overwhelm you and something goes wrong, you just say to yourself, "The universe takes care of me" or "The universe is leading me," and pay attention to your feelings. You will see how they will change and it will be easier for you.
I used to be very tense and serious too! Yes, I achieved goals! I got used to achieving my goals in life. Not always on time, but to achieve them.
Even when I achieved my goals and realized my plans, there was no joy and happiness. I immediately joined the new goals and dreams and continued the chase.
And I realized that happiness and joy are created thanks to the state of lightness!
Tension will never lead to happiness, even if thanks to this tension a result is obtained!
Remember, please, that in the first place everyone's heart wants love and only then everything else.
"The universe takes care of me!"
"The universe leads me"
Let the universe lead you on your path!
And what affirmations do you use to be in harmony?

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