Why and how we are able to create

The power of focus - do you realize its power?
What do you think makes a person able to create something in this world?
Everything in this world is energy!
House, car, equipment - this is energy.
The body is energy.
Thought is energy.
Feeling is energy.
Before, there was no machinery, no cars, no stone houses.
At the expense of what were they created?
Thoughts, feelings - this is the source of all material goods created by man.
(I'm not talking now about the Universal Energy and the energy that made man appear).
It is at the expense of thoughts and feelings that we are able to create and create anything in this world!
Only thoughts and feelings!
Everyone has thoughts and feelings.
But here's the problem: a person from childhood in school has been focused on problems and mistakes!
And he grows with a model of thinking: a focus on problems.
Where there is focus, there are thoughts and feelings.
Where there are thoughts and feelings - there is creation.
Here, a person lives in his life instead of creating dreams and the desired reality, he creates problems!
«How can I create problems? My focus is on solving problems! » - a man will say.
The key word is "problem," and it all revolves around that word. The central focus is right here. Everything else is not important.
That's why people are constantly living in trouble. They solve some problems by creating others.
How to get out of this vicious circle, the problems still have to be solved?
In schools and universities we have been taught only one way to get rid of problems - to solve them!
I did too. I was a master of problem solving, but I lived very hard. I walked through life, overcoming powerful resistance. I just got tired and created a little. I used my powerful strength and energy against myself.
However, I found another way out.
And now I use it successfully.
Problems both create and go away.
But most often, when a problem has arisen, people begin to solve it, putting even more energy into it and intensifying and worsening it, and often creating new problems.
Have you noticed that when a problem arises, and you try to solve it, suddenly more problems appear in different areas of life?
Problems increase like a snowball!
The point is not that such a period has occurred in your life. The thing is, you created these problems with your energy.
And here is the way out - to change the focus!
- What do you want? (positive wish)
- keep the focus!
You ignore problems, going to your dream or desire, among other things, solving various issues.
Problems are either solved or disappear. This is how the power of focus appears!
If you do not know what you want, you are doomed to solve problems all your life. If you don't give a task to the brain, it starts to get bored. The worst option is when there is nothing to do. He feels unnecessary. That's why he strives to find a job.
The first step to get out of the vicious circle is to understand at least one of your desires!
With this call sign!
Desires with the particle "no" are negative desires. "Don't go to work", "Don't do this", "Stop that", etc. These are all examples of negative desires.
The more specific your desire, the more power it has.
The desire to "get more money" is very weak. It is not specific enough and the brain does not know how to deal with it to fulfill it.
The second step is to keep the focus on the desire! Believe me, this is not easy. Because so many things happen, and everyone wants something from you. All this shifts your focus to different tasks.
Remember where the focus is. Where there are thoughts and feelings - there is creation. The focus is always where the energy is stronger. The energy is stronger where there are more emotions and feelings.
Given that our brains are more concerned with avoiding pain than gaining joy, problems are much better at "being able" to evoke feelings and emotions.
This is how the focus shifts to the problems.
What to do?
- make your desires very emotional to evoke many feelings,
- learn to control your feelings and emotions
You've probably heard the expression that big dreams are easier to achieve than small ones. Why?
Big dreams bring a lot more energy, and it's easier for you to focus than small ones that have low energy.
That is, if your dream is big enough, you need big and strong problems to close your positive emotions and switch the focus. If the dream is small, small enough problems - and the focus is already on the problems.
Making your desire very emotional and being able to control your feelings and emotions - these are issues that need to be constantly worked on.
Personally, I am constantly looking for new dreams. Some dreams and desires come true and others I create. If I don't create a new dream or desire, my brain will find a problem. Sometimes it seems to me that my brain is full of dreams. And for some, the whole brain is full of problems.
The ability to control feelings and emotions is also a task I am constantly working on.
The further I go, the more energy I gain. The stronger the energy, the faster the creation (of both positive and negative things).
A person with low energy can think about the negative for a whole week, and nothing special will happen in his life.
For a person with strong energy, it is enough for a few hours to go into negativity, and tomorrow these negative thoughts will manifest in reality.
Now I have started working with a woman who has a huge (very strong) energy, but she can't keep it under control and this energy destroys, not creates. My job is to help her learn to control this energy and guide it to creation.
- If you want to change your life - find out what you want
- Constantly think about what you want to create new and even stronger dreams and desires, so that the focus can be on desires and not on problems.
- Stop solving problems. Many of them will decide for themselves or will go away if you do not focus on them. Keep the focus on desires
Learn to control your feelings and emotions because they create your reality.

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