How to create the desired reality

Let's start with a few simple rules:
Seeing the present material reality, you create the same future.
By reacting to the problems, complexities, obstacles in the current material reality, you create a future full of problems.
If you don't like something and you want it to disappear, just ignore it and ignore it.
You create what you put your feelings and emotions into.
What can you do to create the future you want?
You create your future material world thanks to your imagination. You create the future immaterial world (feelings, emotions, state) thanks to your feelings.
When you feel unhappy today and now, you create even more unhappiness in the future. If you don't have enough money today, and you feel frustrated about it, you will have even less money in the future.
Our eyes observe the material world. But the more they observe it, the more you believe in the material world and the more your future will resemble the present. That is, in this way you prevent change.
And what to do then? Can't you watch?
You can watch, but not react to what you don't like. Learn to see only the good.
Build your future with your eyes closed.
Close your eyes and dream. Draw what you want and feel that happiness and joy that come on their own.
People do not have time to just sit quietly and dream. The real problems have caught their attention in such a way that there is nothing left to create for the future.
The main idea I want to tell you about.
Your future is built in the mind and in the heart and only then is it embodied in reality. If you are in constant persecution, you are only preventing the universe from building your new beautiful world.
The material part of reality is built in the mind (material goods, material well-being, activity, money and that which concerns the material world).
The intangible part is built in the heart (feelings, emotions, state, perception, character, behavior, etc.).
Most people think that money will bring them happiness, joy, love and more.
Most people think that money will bring them happiness, joy, love and more.
How many people I know who are very successful in material reality, but suffer complete defeat in the world of feelings and emotions. A person may have a sea of ​​material goods, but he may be unhappy. After all, work is not in material goods.
The work is in the perception of these material goods. The perception of the object is always more important than the object itself.
The process of constructing the material world through imagination is called visualization. You know perfectly well about this method, but do you take advantage of it?
The process of building the immaterial world with the help of feelings, emotions, states is called concentration. Concentration is this conscious intentional sensation of feelings, emotions and states. Moreover, to feel any feeling you only need a desire.
You can now feel a state of happiness, joy, love, harmony. But people are used to reacting instead of consciously creating their feelings. A bad situation happens, from a person's point of view (from the point of view of the universe, this can be a super situation), a person gets upset and angry. A good situation is happening, from a person's point of view - a person is happy.
That's how most people live, and that's why the poor are unhappy.
And if we keep in mind that the material world is a reflection of the immaterial world, concentrations create a much greater effect than visualizations of one world or another.
We spend so much time working (which often just allows you to survive), sleeping, eating, social networking, socializing, and sometimes television, newspapers, the news, that we forget what it's all about. And we do not take time at all to create the future.
To go to work, to eat, to sleep, to communicate, etc. - All this does not affect your future at all.
We want happiness, but fortunately we don't think about the day at all.
We want financial independence, but we only think about how to pay the bills and get rid of debts and loans. What do you think you create in the future with such thinking?
Just stop and think, what are you creating in the future?
You create predominant images in the head and predominant feelings in the heart.

It doesn't matter what a person says, what he wants. What matters is what he thinks about most of all and what he feels most of all.
People want an apartment. Their wish came true. They bought it, however, on credit. And now they want to repay this loan. You can't think of a worse desire. With their desire, people ruin their lives. Yes, desires can be both creative and destructive. Therefore, when you want something, make sure that it is a creative desire that is aimed at improving life.
Too much chaos in life. Poverty and misery are created in chaos. Concentrate! Choose a few global key wishes and move on to them! Then the problems will disappear on their own and life will improve.

My challenge for you:
Start with 10 minutes a day. Just sit back, close your eyes and start painting your new future. Draw the material goods you want to have. And be sure to feel it! The stronger you feel, the faster all these images become reality.
And you don't have to compromise, for example, to imagine 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes before bed, or, worse, in the subway, tram, car, etc. Do not create your future in parallel with other things. Please take a clean 10 minutes for just one job: creating a future.
When you have 10 minutes, go to 15 minutes, then 20 minutes and 30 minutes. Half an hour a day to create a future is enough to move forward!
To enhance the effect of the exercises, just add emotions and be more focused.
What tricks will your mind use to avoid creating a new future?
"Postponement." And so until the evening, when there will be no time left
- To think about something of your own during the process of creating the future, for example, about current problems. To prevent this from happening, you need discipline and a clear knowledge of what you want. Prepare your wishes in advance.
"It's easy to forget." To prevent this from happening, control this habit.
Remember that your mind is ingenious. This is the most perfect creation on Earth. He can create anything you want. Just keep it under control, otherwise it can create what you will not wish on your enemy. 

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