Thoughts about the future - a threat to the present

Dreamers are people who have dreams and act today to make those dreams come true!
Dreamers are people who dream, but never take action to make their dreams come true.
Dreamers are here and now because they act here and now!
The dreamers are in the future.
Dreamers understand that only daily work will make their dreams come true.
Dreamers are looking for quick or instant ways to make dreams come true.
Dreamers understand that it may take 1-3 years to make their dreams come true.
The dreamers say that 1-3 years is too much! They want it now!
And you know what's interesting, 1-3 years go by and dreamers get what they dreamed of, and dreamers keep looking for how to get their dream right away without moving.
How often do you think about the future?
How often do you dream?
Which one are you?
Learn to be here and now!
Because it is here and now that your dream becomes a reality.
Yes, you need to know what you want to have in the future, what kind of life you want to live, but remember that thinking about the future should not take up more than 5% of your time!
5-15 minutes in the morning, 5-15 minutes in the evening and that's enough!
The further into the future you go from the present, the more your energy dissipates!
I will give you an example so that you understand what I am talking about.
Imagine the sun. What is the temperature of the sun? Its temperature is 10-15 million degrees.
The temperature of the sun's corona is 1.5 million degrees.
And the surface temperature is about 6 thousand degrees.
And what is the temperature of the Earth?
Do you understand how the temperature drops depending on the distance?
 It's the same in your life!
Here and now is the core! It is here and now that you have the greatest strength and power!
Today is the crown in our analogy.
The further you go from today, the more your creative energy loses its power!
By no means do I want to convey that I recommend for the mother to be inactive.
They must be there! But in order to achieve them effectively, you need to think about what you can do now and today to achieve your goals.
I often come across people who know exactly what they want. They can easily and quickly tell about their dreams and desires for the next 5 years. But the closer we are to the present, the more complicated it is with their dreams. Particular complications begin when we reach 3 months and one month. This is because it is easy to build a future, you can do nothing today - dreams are still far away. And when we think about our goals for a month, we have to plan the work ...
This is a wonderful example for the dreamer!
Dreams give you energy.
Your fantasies take it.
The same dream can give and take energy.
The dream gives a sea of ​​strength and energy! But if you are inactive, it begins to drain your energy. You begin to feel that you will never make it happen, your confidence drops, your faith drops, and you become disillusioned with life.
Decide whether to start realizing your dream or forget it.
I talked to a woman recently, and I felt that her energy had dropped a lot compared to last week. I decided to find out the reason. And here is what she said.
«I started thinking seriously about my own house. I saw her so clearly that I didn't want to go back to the present. "
I asked her, "How much energy are you sending there?"
She said 80% of her energy was in the future.
Accordingly, only 20% remained in the present. That is why her energy drop in the present happened!
The house is a distant dream!
What do I do in such a case?
I implant dreams in my subconscious in the form of images and forget about them.
More than that, I became much happier when I started living in the present.
All my life I chased the future - this is where people lose happiness and I lost it!
Happiness is in the present, not in the future!
You can dream boldly, but remember to go back to the present and think about what you can do in the present to make your dream come true.
Stuck in the past. There is another, third, category of people: stuck in the past. They have no desires or dreams. They don't think about the future at all. They are not even in the present. They think about the past. They regret the past.
But the past can no longer be returned and cannot be created.
Remember, please: The past is forgotten, the future is closed, the present is given!
Live today! Act today! Enjoy life! And the future will take care of itself!

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