Today I would like to clarify the moment with liabilities, debts and loans.
If we think correctly, it will be easy to deal with loans and debts.
The most crucial point is to think correctly. Do you know what is the worst thing about loans and debts?
It's scary if you get into debt thinking. Then he will never get rid of debts. By repaying some loans, he will create new ones. And so on indefinitely. Of course, the man himself will think that here, he is already repaying them, but something happens, and he sinks into debt again.
If a person is in such a situation, it means that he has debt thinking. And first we need to change that thinking and only then repay the debts.
What is debt thinking?
Debt thinking is "How do I pay off debts?"
Rich thinking is "How do I create wealth?"
There are rich people with debts, and there are people with money who have debt thinking.
Rich people with debts think about how to create money, quickly create it and repay debts. They get out of debt and acquire wealth.
People with debt thinking, no matter how much money they have, always get into debt. They can have a lot of money, but also a lot of debt.
And the difference between these people is clear:
People with debt thinking think: "How to repay the debt (credit)?", "How to get rid of debt (credit)?" That is, the key word in their thinking is debt or credit.
Where there is concentration, there is energy, there is creation!
Here they create debts and loans all their lives. They spin like a squirrel in a carousel. The more they work, the faster the carousel spins. They stay in one place all the time.
Rich-minded people think, "How do I get XXX money?", "How do I make XXX money?", "How do I make a fortune?" That is, their thoughts are focused on making money in the right amount.
If their balance is -1 million levs (that is, they are 1 million levs minus), they are thinking how to get 2 million levs.
Ordinary people are motivated by negativity. And for that they will always be at zero, or in debt. They always try to escape problems. And when they run, they relax. But the state of relaxation very quickly creates new problems.
And so on indefinitely.
Here is their model of thinking.
Problem -> "How to get rid of the problem?" -> Actions ->
Problem solved -> Relaxation -> Problem -> …….
And here is the thinking model of a rich and successful person.
Goal -> "How to achieve the goal?" -> Actions -> Goal achieved -> Goal ->… ..
That is, rich successful people are motivated by the positive, ie. have a goal !!!
And this is the difference between wealth and mediocrity. In ordinary people, motivation appears only when a problem arises. When there is no problem - there is no motivation!
For ordinary people: Problem -> Motivation (the problem creates motivation)
For rich people: Goal -> Motivation (goal creates motivation)
At one time I ran in a vicious circle for 3 years:
Problem -> "How do I solve the problem?" -> Actions -> Problem solved -> Gratitude and relief -> Problem ->… ..
Do you know what the solution was?
I didn't have to make life motivate me through problems! I had to set my own goals and go for those goals, and best of all, big goals!
If we look at the thinking pattern of the common man and the rich man, there is only one difference! And that difference is focusing! For ordinary people it is on the problems, and for the rich - on the goals.
That's the whole difference. Everything in life is easy!
Your brain is unique! It can easily lead you to wealth, but it can just as easily lead you to poverty! You decide what to focus on!
The thinking of ordinary and rich people.
Thinking is what makes the difference! Money is just a consequence!
How to develop monetary magnetism?
I notice how people are very worried about money.
It's as if money is the most important thing in life.
I agree, they are important, but there is something more important.
Money is only a consequence, but not a cause.
Your ability to make money is much more important than the money itself.
The ability to turn our ideas into money is what is much more important than the money itself.
There is a saying: «Give a man a fish, and he will be full one day. Teach a man to fish, and he will be full for life. That's why it's not worth chasing the money yourself!
It is worth learning and developing in the ability to attract money.
If you learn something, you will be able to repeat it as many times as you want.
Poor people are very afraid of losing money. The very thought of losing money paralyzes all their endeavors.
The rich are calm about losing money. They understand perfectly well that they will be able to create them again.
It's just money!
What else applies to money, but is more important than money itself?
Your monetary energy!
Everyone has monetary energy with a certain power.
Otherwise it is called monetary magnetism
Someone has a very strong monetary magnetism, and whatever this person does, he will succeed in making money. For some, this monetary magnetism is absent, and for others it has become anti-magnetism, and the money from such a person goes away.
Well, this monetary magnetism is not something else, but a certain property of a person's energy. If a person has energy, he can develop a magnetic property to attract money in his life!
If you do not have energy, then what magnetic property can we talk about?
Energy is man's most valuable resource. If there is energy - there will be everything: happiness, money and relationships.
What is the basis of monetary magnetism?
What you believe about money creates either monetary magnetism or antimagnetism.
If you change your beliefs, your reality will change!
I have been dealing with the subconscious since I was 15 years old. And I see how one or another belief creates the coming of money or their loss!
I will now share with you a very important belief that increases monetary magnetism. It is so easy and even banal that people do not believe that it creates money. But believe me, that's right. This is a basic belief.
His go:
Money is good!
Someone will probably say, "Of course I know that!"
It may seem to a person on a conscious level that yes, he knows this, but on a subconscious level everything will be completely different.
How do we know what actually exists at the subconscious level?
Pamper your reality! Reality shows the truth! One can believe in the opposite belief: "Money is evil" and not realize it. Or maybe he believed in that belief in his childhood because something "happened" in his life.
When you change the belief, the reality also changes!
Now think, please, what do you believe about money? What are you convinced of?
1) Reality always shows the truth
2) Search deep! The beliefs are very deep, that's why they are so strong!
If we think correctly, it will be easy to deal with loans and debts.
The most crucial point is to think correctly. Do you know what is the worst thing about loans and debts?
It's scary if you get into debt thinking. Then he will never get rid of debts. By repaying some loans, he will create new ones. And so on indefinitely. Of course, the man himself will think that here, he is already repaying them, but something happens, and he sinks into debt again.
If a person is in such a situation, it means that he has debt thinking. And first we need to change that thinking and only then repay the debts.
What is debt thinking?
Debt thinking is "How do I pay off debts?"
Rich thinking is "How do I create wealth?"
There are rich people with debts, and there are people with money who have debt thinking.
Rich people with debts think about how to create money, quickly create it and repay debts. They get out of debt and acquire wealth.
People with debt thinking, no matter how much money they have, always get into debt. They can have a lot of money, but also a lot of debt.
And the difference between these people is clear:
People with debt thinking think: "How to repay the debt (credit)?", "How to get rid of debt (credit)?" That is, the key word in their thinking is debt or credit.
Where there is concentration, there is energy, there is creation!
Here they create debts and loans all their lives. They spin like a squirrel in a carousel. The more they work, the faster the carousel spins. They stay in one place all the time.
Rich-minded people think, "How do I get XXX money?", "How do I make XXX money?", "How do I make a fortune?" That is, their thoughts are focused on making money in the right amount.
If their balance is -1 million levs (that is, they are 1 million levs minus), they are thinking how to get 2 million levs.
Ordinary people are motivated by negativity. And for that they will always be at zero, or in debt. They always try to escape problems. And when they run, they relax. But the state of relaxation very quickly creates new problems.
And so on indefinitely.
Here is their model of thinking.
Problem -> "How to get rid of the problem?" -> Actions ->
Problem solved -> Relaxation -> Problem -> …….
And here is the thinking model of a rich and successful person.
Goal -> "How to achieve the goal?" -> Actions -> Goal achieved -> Goal ->… ..
That is, rich successful people are motivated by the positive, ie. have a goal !!!
And this is the difference between wealth and mediocrity. In ordinary people, motivation appears only when a problem arises. When there is no problem - there is no motivation!
For ordinary people: Problem -> Motivation (the problem creates motivation)
For rich people: Goal -> Motivation (goal creates motivation)
At one time I ran in a vicious circle for 3 years:
Problem -> "How do I solve the problem?" -> Actions -> Problem solved -> Gratitude and relief -> Problem ->… ..
Do you know what the solution was?
I didn't have to make life motivate me through problems! I had to set my own goals and go for those goals, and best of all, big goals!
If we look at the thinking pattern of the common man and the rich man, there is only one difference! And that difference is focusing! For ordinary people it is on the problems, and for the rich - on the goals.
That's the whole difference. Everything in life is easy!
Your brain is unique! It can easily lead you to wealth, but it can just as easily lead you to poverty! You decide what to focus on!
The thinking of ordinary and rich people.
Thinking is what makes the difference! Money is just a consequence!
The common people | Rich people | ||
They do what they are paid to do. They are not interested in doing the job. That is why the poor do mediocre work. Of course, mediocre work is not appreciated | They do what interests them. That is why they show their creativity. And creativity brings a sea of money! | ||
They cannot sell themselves, their creativity and their services | They can sell their creativity / services. | ||
What do they think about all the time: "How do I pay off my debts?" | What do they constantly think about: «What else can I create? Where to invest money / effort to make a profit? » | ||
They depend on the circumstances | They create circumstances | ||
Small thinking | Large-scale thinking | ||
Seeing today and next month | Seeing the future in 5-10 years | ||
They think about problems, complain, whine, do nothing | In search of ideas, opportunities, act, make mistakes, draw conclusions | ||
They want everything, right now | They are ready to work and wait as long as necessary | ||
They concentrate on money. They are constantly thinking about money. | They are focused on the goals, tasks, ideas | ||
Money is very important !!! Money is a strong motivation !!! | Money is only a resource. Motivation is a realized project, business idea, vision | ||
They work for the money | They work for the idea | ||
Financially illiterate | Financially literate | ||
(They don't understand how money works, how poverty and wealth are created) | (understand how money works, how poverty and wealth are created) | ||
They have "bad" loans (they give their money to repay loans) | Have "good" loans (create money through loans) | ||
They do not plan (leave everything to chance) life, work, money | They plan their life, business, money | ||
How to develop monetary magnetism?
I notice how people are very worried about money.
It's as if money is the most important thing in life.
I agree, they are important, but there is something more important.
Money is only a consequence, but not a cause.
Your ability to make money is much more important than the money itself.
The ability to turn our ideas into money is what is much more important than the money itself.
There is a saying: «Give a man a fish, and he will be full one day. Teach a man to fish, and he will be full for life. That's why it's not worth chasing the money yourself!
It is worth learning and developing in the ability to attract money.
If you learn something, you will be able to repeat it as many times as you want.
Poor people are very afraid of losing money. The very thought of losing money paralyzes all their endeavors.
The rich are calm about losing money. They understand perfectly well that they will be able to create them again.
It's just money!
What else applies to money, but is more important than money itself?
Your monetary energy!
Everyone has monetary energy with a certain power.
Otherwise it is called monetary magnetism
Someone has a very strong monetary magnetism, and whatever this person does, he will succeed in making money. For some, this monetary magnetism is absent, and for others it has become anti-magnetism, and the money from such a person goes away.
Well, this monetary magnetism is not something else, but a certain property of a person's energy. If a person has energy, he can develop a magnetic property to attract money in his life!
If you do not have energy, then what magnetic property can we talk about?
Energy is man's most valuable resource. If there is energy - there will be everything: happiness, money and relationships.
What is the basis of monetary magnetism?
What you believe about money creates either monetary magnetism or antimagnetism.
If you change your beliefs, your reality will change!
I have been dealing with the subconscious since I was 15 years old. And I see how one or another belief creates the coming of money or their loss!
I will now share with you a very important belief that increases monetary magnetism. It is so easy and even banal that people do not believe that it creates money. But believe me, that's right. This is a basic belief.
His go:
Money is good!
Someone will probably say, "Of course I know that!"
It may seem to a person on a conscious level that yes, he knows this, but on a subconscious level everything will be completely different.
How do we know what actually exists at the subconscious level?
Pamper your reality! Reality shows the truth! One can believe in the opposite belief: "Money is evil" and not realize it. Or maybe he believed in that belief in his childhood because something "happened" in his life.
When you change the belief, the reality also changes!
Now think, please, what do you believe about money? What are you convinced of?
1) Reality always shows the truth
2) Search deep! The beliefs are very deep, that's why they are so strong!
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