Success remains success only on the way to achieving it


Success is the consistent realization of a worthy goal. By a worthy goal I mean a goal that requires full commitment, which is achieved with passion and takes a period of 5 years or more. A worthy goal should give the feeling of self-realization. Try to make your vision of the goal as far away as you can, so that you can barely see the goal. A worthy goal is not an easy goal, it must be big enough to pull you forward on its own. True success is not a destination, success is a path.
You may have once achieved something worthwhile that has cost you many days and weeks. How did you feel? And now remember how you felt when you achieved the goal? Were you happy, were you happy ... But if you did not replace the achieved goal with a new one, the joy gradually changed into sadness.
 Why does this happen? Because your perspective vision disappears. You arrive and this is the end. Your past vision has become a reality. The joy of achieving the goal is great, but the sadness of not having a future vision is even greater, and for this reason something can happen that a person who has just achieved his goal is unhappy. Success is in the way of achieving goals. You achieve happiness from the feeling of moving towards the goal that soon your vision will suddenly become a reality. You see the beauty that will give you the goal you have achieved, and for that you feel wonderful. And when there is no next goal, where to go? The mind is confused, as helpless. At best, he will come back and remember the last victory, and at worst, he will try not to repeat what he has achieved. Try to go out aimlessly without knowingwhere to go. Most likely, you will either determine where to go, or you will simply return to the place where you started. So the mind, it will either move you to the goal, or it will pull you down (ie to the place where you started).
 You choose what you will focus on: your vision or your problems. Just remember that if you do not find the right food for the mind, it will find it for itself, but it will rather work against you. Here you can make an analogy with the field: if nothing is sown in a field with good land, what will grow there? Some weeds, grass.
Don't go from goal to rest. That way, you don't really keep what you have stable. When you stop setting goals, you start falling. The power of life, its energy, lies in your dreams and goals. I don't know why this happens, but the vision of future success gives much more energy than the current success.
Too many people focus on their problems, and not enough on their dreams. They cannot understand that success is not in fulfilling desires, but in achieving them. The great wisdom is that success remains success only when you pursue it. Achieving something only confirms that you knew where you were going.
Why have successful people become like this? They understood that success consists in the pursuit of a dream, they worked and believed in achieving it. Success is achieved with hard work, but it is very easy to follow the path, having a vision of future success in advance. The big dream gives you the strength to overcome the main obstacles on the road to success.
Depending on how you approach the goal, your dream will lose size, become clearer and more realistic.
Whatever the dream, in order to remain worthy, you have to expand it, stretch it. Ie immediately set another goal after the goal. When the dream is achieved, you set a new even bigger dream and expand the horizons of your vision. It is said that he sees the bird that flies the highest. The farther you see, the closer you will get to your goal. 

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