Only hard work aimed at realizing a worthwhile idea will bring success

Work and success are the two components of happiness.
Important: We will talk about work here, but before you start reading, I want to note that I am talking about work to achieve your dream! If a certain job cannot make your dream come true, the principles you will read here are not valid in this case. It will be a job, a hard job that is able to realize your best wishes.
The best way to improve your self-esteem is to do what you think is necessary.
Ideas are interesting phenomena - they do not bring any results until they are supported by actions aimed at realizing these ideas. It doesn't matter what you know. You may know more than anyone in the world, but it will do you no good until you start acting. Ambitions do not lead to anything until they are supported by action.
Ascension is based on work, hard hard work. You must be so dedicated to your work that you are ready to make your desires come true. Remember one secret to success: nothing in life will work for you until you make it work. And you can make it only with hard work and full dedication to your work. The world is so organized that we ourselves must succeed in everything. And we can only rely on our own work. Your destiny is your choice. We cannot control everything in life, but we can control our work, which controls our results. Work, rejecting all chances of loss, and you will succeed, regardless of one's beliefs. Don't limit your future.
Beware of being a person who lives by the principle "I want to have, but I do not work to get it." In every desire you put your life energy, but if this desire is not supported by faith (and faith 100% depends on actions), then you lose energy in vain. Now look around you, how much do you see and know people who live without big goals in life? Yes, unfortunately 80% are like that. And most likely on the faces of such people you will see fatigue, meaninglessness. All their energy is expended on various trifles, and at the same time it flows away from them like a river, because their desires are not supported by action. All people have desires, but if these desires are not supported by action, they are harmful. From the thought of what you want but can't achieve, you feel terrible!You either start working on their implementation or forget about them. I suggest the first. What you will notice when you start actions is just a huge surge of energy and enthusiasm, provided the goal is worthy (big). It is the work on the realization of the desired that gives strength, the work activates the vision. Hard work is one of the most important laws for success. Success is achieved only with hard work. If you are not ready for hard work, just accept the fact that you will not succeed, and live in peace with what you have.Hard work is one of the most important laws for success. Success is achieved only with hard work. If you are not ready for hard work, just accept the fact that you will not succeed, and live in peace with what you have.Hard work is one of the most important laws for success. Success is achieved only with hard work. If you are not ready for hard work, just accept the fact that you will not succeed, and live in peace with what you have.
I've never heard of anyone accidentally achieving anything significant just by sitting still. Small action is always better than big intention.
Have you ever seen how resilient animals find food? The seagull can dive for fish dozens of times while catching it. A man - one or two failures and that's it. Why does this happen? Man is so clever that he has freedom of choice. Animals - no. They know that if they do not catch the victim and do not eat for 2-3 days - they will not survive. This does not threaten a person, so he chooses the easiest. But look at how nature was created? If animals have to try many times, make mistakes, then start all over again, waste a lot of energy, and only then achieve the goal, then why do you think it will be different with humans? A person is smarter, so he will be given heavier obstacles. And the only thing you can do in this direction is to make every effort and achieve what you want with hard work.Look at the ants and consider their actions: without any guidance, or manager: in the summer they prepare fruit and gather food for the winter.
You gain respect only by action, by inaction you gain disrespect. Nothing just happens - you make it happen. You are made for action. Work and success always go hand in hand. To achieve success you just need a good idea and work to implement it. Here are 2 important aspects:
- An idea
- Work
You probably know people who work 10-12 hours at work, where they have a boss. Yes, they do point 2, but the idea of ​​working for someone else is bad in itself. And no matter how hard you try, you won't change anything. So it is with the good idea. Prosperity is what the universe gives to people after working hard, overcoming many obstacles in their path, proving the firmness of their intentions, and becoming strong enough to be ready to get what they are fighting for. To be worthy of flying with eagles, you must first show that you are different from geese. Geese only make noise, they can't fly. You probably know people who only create problems, but I think you also know people who are able to take responsibility and solve those problems. I'll tell you one thing for sure:if you are not as successful as you want to be, you need to learn to work harder and then learn to work smarter. And if you haven't worked hard, you can't figure out how to work smarter, because you have to make enough mistakes to get up and say to yourself, "I have to fix this so I don't mess up so often." Trying to succeed without hard work is like trying to reap the harvest where you have not sown anything. What you believe doesn't matter much until you get to work. If you are lazy, start working a little, spending only 30 minutes a day. Then, when you get used to working for 30 minutes, gradually increase to 1 hour a day, then 2, and so on. until you make a habit of a diligent person and laziness will leave have to learn to work harder and then learn to work smarter. And if you haven't worked hard, you can't figure out how to work smarter, because you have to make enough mistakes to get up and say to yourself, "I have to fix this so I don't mess up so often." Trying to succeed without hard work is like trying to reap the harvest where you have not sown anything. What you believe doesn't matter much until you get to work. If you are lazy, start working a little, spending only 30 minutes a day. Then, when you get used to working for 30 minutes, gradually increase to 1 hour a day, then 2, and so on. until you make a habit of a diligent person and laziness will leave have to learn to work harder and then learn to work smarter. And if you haven't worked hard, you can't figure out how to work smarter, because you have to make enough mistakes to get up and say to yourself, "I have to fix this so I don't mess up so often." Trying to succeed without hard work is like trying to reap the harvest where you have not sown anything. What you believe doesn't matter much until you get to work. If you are lazy, start working a little, spending only 30 minutes a day. Then, when you get used to working for 30 minutes, gradually increase to 1 hour a day, then 2, and so on. until you make a habit of a diligent person and laziness will leave you.And if you haven't worked hard, you can't figure out how to work smarter, because you have to make enough mistakes to get up and say to yourself, "I have to fix this so I don't mess up so often." Trying to succeed without hard work is like trying to reap the harvest where you have not sown anything. What you believe doesn't matter much until you get to work. If you are lazy, start working a little, spending only 30 minutes a day. Then, when you get used to working for 30 minutes, gradually increase to 1 hour a day, then 2, and so on. until you make a habit of a diligent person and laziness will leave you.And if you haven't worked hard, you can't figure out how to work smarter, because you have to make enough mistakes to get up and say to yourself, "I have to fix this so I don't mess up so often." Trying to succeed without hard work is like trying to reap the harvest where you have not sown anything. What you believe doesn't matter much until you get to work. If you are lazy, start working a little, spending only 30 minutes a day. Then, when you get used to working for 30 minutes, gradually increase to 1 hour a day, then 2, and so on. until you make a habit of a diligent person and laziness will leave you."I have to fix this so I don't get confused so often." Trying to succeed without hard work is like trying to reap the harvest where you have not sown anything. What you believe doesn't matter much until you get to work. If you are lazy, start working a little, spending only 30 minutes a day. Then, when you get used to working for 30 minutes, gradually increase to 1 hour a day, then 2, and so on. until you make a habit of a diligent person and laziness will leave you."I have to fix this so I don't get confused so often." Trying to succeed without hard work is like trying to reap the harvest where you have not sown anything. What you believe doesn't matter much until you get to work. If you are lazy, start working a little, spending only 30 minutes a day. Then, when you get used to working for 30 minutes, gradually increase to 1 hour a day, then 2, and so on. until you make a habit of a diligent person and laziness will leave you.increase gradually to 1 hour per day, then 2, etc. until you make a habit of a diligent person and laziness will leave you.increase gradually to 1 hour a day, then 2, etc. until you make a habit of a diligent person and laziness will leave you.
Many people say that I work too hard and passionately, and I can't understand how it happens that although I work more than my acquaintances, I get less tired, I'm more cheerful, my tone is higher. . And I notice that the more I work, the better I feel. This is the secret of hard work, that the more you work where you love, the better you will feel. Adjust your mind that you intend to work harder. Set goals, and then work as if it's not possible to fail at all. Do not work with the thought that success is impossible. Work as if you can't lose.
When you work you feel good. Decide to start acting despite the obstacles you encounter along the way. Make it a habit to work hard and success will not make you wait! Nothing worthwhile is given easily. Half the effort doesn't work. This does not bring any results at all. Work, continuous and hard - this is the only way to achieve results. 

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