Mistakes have a hidden power that moves us forward and upward, but they cannot help us when we begin to blame other people for our failures. Take responsibility for your mistakes, but never blame yourself. The accusations are very negative.
We all fail and make mistakes from time to time. But in fact, successful people make many more mistakes than ordinary people. Mistakes are experience, they are knowledge of what not to do in the future. Remember Thomas Edison: he found 10,000 ways a light bulb wouldn't work, and in the end just one how it would work. So on the way to success you will encounter more problems and failures than successes, but the important thing is how you will see these problems. If we look at them from the right light, they are our teachers and helpers who do not allow us to get lost on the road. If we do something wrong, we get a lesson and we have to go back on the road. If we see failures as a bad thing, we try to avoid them so badly that we stop working at all. And then we will certainly not see success. People,those who try to do something and fail are much better than those who try to do nothing and succeed. It is always better to fail in doing something than to differ in doing nothing. He who does nothing never fails. People who have never made a mistake have few victories.
The education system teaches us to beware of mistakes, to make them as little as possible. They taught us in school that it is bad to make mistakes, they punished us for them, thus they developed a fear of mistakes on a subconscious level. The education system prepares people for hired labor, not businessmen. It is advantageous to educate us in this way, so I am not surprised that you, like me in the beginning, were also panicked and afraid to make mistakes. A simple rule of thumb: if you want success, you will have to deal with failure first. Failure prepares us to master success.
One of the components of success is to get up once more after you fall. "You won't sink by falling into the water, you'll sink if you stay in it" (Ed Cole) "I'm not afraid of storms, I'm learning how to steer a ship properly." Circumstances govern the weak, and they are also tools for the wise. Don't let your problems control you. You have to manage them. The problem you face is just an opportunity for you to do something better, go back and start more correctly.
If you do something, you will have problems. Just don't focus on the failures, draw the conclusions and forget about the failures, think about the rewards that await you, about the time when you will achieve your goals. Mistakes in themselves are ordinary life situations. It is not your mistakes that destroy you, but your attitude and how you deal with them. Success is more about mistakes than the right steps. Because if you plan to be successful, learn to react accordingly. Success is built on mistakes and persistent problem solving. Successful people are good at transforming problems into solutions. They take the tragedy and turn it into a blessing. Whenever you fall, you fall forward to the goal. Do not concentrate on the negative more than on the positive, do not stay lying in the puddle.Wealth does not shine in the puddle, only poverty.
Success is often not what people think of it. Success is closely linked to failure. A person who makes a lot of mistakes usually succeeds at higher levels in his activity. Most people think of success and failure as opposites, but both are the result of one process. Your season of mistakes and failures is the best time to sow the seeds of your success. The biggest mistake you can make in life is to be constantly afraid to do something.
We all fail and make mistakes from time to time. But in fact, successful people make many more mistakes than ordinary people. Mistakes are experience, they are knowledge of what not to do in the future. Remember Thomas Edison: he found 10,000 ways a light bulb wouldn't work, and in the end just one how it would work. So on the way to success you will encounter more problems and failures than successes, but the important thing is how you will see these problems. If we look at them from the right light, they are our teachers and helpers who do not allow us to get lost on the road. If we do something wrong, we get a lesson and we have to go back on the road. If we see failures as a bad thing, we try to avoid them so badly that we stop working at all. And then we will certainly not see success. People,those who try to do something and fail are much better than those who try to do nothing and succeed. It is always better to fail in doing something than to differ in doing nothing. He who does nothing never fails. People who have never made a mistake have few victories.
The education system teaches us to beware of mistakes, to make them as little as possible. They taught us in school that it is bad to make mistakes, they punished us for them, thus they developed a fear of mistakes on a subconscious level. The education system prepares people for hired labor, not businessmen. It is advantageous to educate us in this way, so I am not surprised that you, like me in the beginning, were also panicked and afraid to make mistakes. A simple rule of thumb: if you want success, you will have to deal with failure first. Failure prepares us to master success.
One of the components of success is to get up once more after you fall. "You won't sink by falling into the water, you'll sink if you stay in it" (Ed Cole) "I'm not afraid of storms, I'm learning how to steer a ship properly." Circumstances govern the weak, and they are also tools for the wise. Don't let your problems control you. You have to manage them. The problem you face is just an opportunity for you to do something better, go back and start more correctly.
If you do something, you will have problems. Just don't focus on the failures, draw the conclusions and forget about the failures, think about the rewards that await you, about the time when you will achieve your goals. Mistakes in themselves are ordinary life situations. It is not your mistakes that destroy you, but your attitude and how you deal with them. Success is more about mistakes than the right steps. Because if you plan to be successful, learn to react accordingly. Success is built on mistakes and persistent problem solving. Successful people are good at transforming problems into solutions. They take the tragedy and turn it into a blessing. Whenever you fall, you fall forward to the goal. Do not concentrate on the negative more than on the positive, do not stay lying in the puddle.Wealth does not shine in the puddle, only poverty.
Success is often not what people think of it. Success is closely linked to failure. A person who makes a lot of mistakes usually succeeds at higher levels in his activity. Most people think of success and failure as opposites, but both are the result of one process. Your season of mistakes and failures is the best time to sow the seeds of your success. The biggest mistake you can make in life is to be constantly afraid to do something.
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