Pride is a deadly weapon against success


We talk a lot about how to succeed, what to do to succeed, we study the principles and laws of the universe, we have more and more new dreams, we set goals - everything to have success in life, but we absolutely miss this, how to behave when he comes.
I don't know if you are as successful as you want to be or not, but I am sure you will be successful. And in the moments when you start to achieve your goals and see that the dream is close, an extremely serious test awaits you. I want to warn you and give you advice on how to endure it. The result of failure at best will be a minor stop on the way to the goal, at worst - a complete loss of the dream.
I'm talking about a test of pride! Pride hinders success, and can even completely destroy it.
Especially those who have suffered from low self-esteem will be subjected to this test. When a person was nobody, out of nowhere and represented nothing, then when he achieves something, he begins to think too much about himself. And, as a consequence, this is manifested in his words, in his relationships with other people, even in his gait. We haven't talked about the law of equilibrium yet, but I think we will soon. Here, the universe is always striving for balance. And when you begin to exalt yourself, the universe automatically begins to let you down to bring you back into balance. Who do you think will win?
Pride and arrogance lead to:
Self-confidence and excessive self-esteem,
Loss of the ability to learn,
Disrespectful attitude towards other people,
Loss of concentration.
Why you have no right to be proud:
The universe has chosen you to achieve a certain goal, but it can easily choose someone else.
Because of self-confidence and pride, you lose good friends, acquaintances, colleagues, partners who have helped you achieve your dream or who could help you in the future.
You are directing the law of equilibrium against yourself. Pride bothers you and blinds you!
Now let's analyze all these points.
Sorry to lower my opinion of myself a little, but in fact you are just a drop in the ocean of the universe. The universe does all the basic work for your swords for you, you do only a small part. Your only role is to place an order and follow certain steps towards the goal. The universe:
Finds for you a way how you can achieve the goal,
Serves you this way on a plate,
Directs you on the way to the goal,
Protects you from not your goals,
Builds events so that it is easy and simple for you to go your own way.
That is why you understand that your merit is not so great - you have simply fulfilled what your soul lies on. The universe accompanies you. The moment you become proud, she will turn her back on you, and then the problems will spread one after another.
It can both lift you to unprecedented heights and easily throw you to the bottom. Always remember this and be humble.
Do not brag and do not place yourself higher than other people. Everyone has a different soul. Not everyone is born to make money. Your success should help other people, not hinder you. Understand that when you praise yourself, another person envies you, his self-esteem falls unconsciously. People will feel like losers compared to you, and this will mean that they will simply not want to see you, much less communicate with you. Be silent about your achievements, people will see them that way. But let them feel good in your society.
Excessive self-esteem leads one to stop learning. He thinks: «Why read books and listen to audio lectures of these people? I have achieved in life no less than they have ». When a person makes a conscious decision to stop learning, he looks for problems. That is why pride hinders success. Whatever success you have, don't stop learning. Don't let your success suppress your ability to learn. You have to develop the right attitude towards humility to keep learning, otherwise you will never reach the top and even less will you be able to stay there.
Too high an opinion of yourself can lead to a loss of concentration. Whatever you achieve in life, you must always have new goals! If there are no new goals, you are on your way back. Every day you have to work on achieving your goal and on improving yourself.
The strongest weapon against pride and arrogance is humility. The emotions of success arise by themselves, your ego inflates to the limit. And this is where the intervention of the conscious mind is needed. Humility is an instrument of the conscious mind, and it is achieved at the expense of realizing and understanding how everything really goes. When you begin to feel pride and arrogance, you must consciously release yourself to earth or the universe will do so, and this will not be the best option for you.
Be sure to use gratitude. If you attribute your success to God, the guardian angel, the universe, you will never have reason to be proud. Thank God for your success. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Gratitude is the highest manifestation of humility.
I don't know if this applies to you, but you will definitely pass a pride test someday (unless, of course, you plan to be successful). Consider this article so that you do not have to learn from the bitter experience, and then it may be too late. The law of equilibrium can ruin all your efforts. Be humble.

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